Computer Programming: How to Learn to Program from Scratch?
Encryption runs the world as we know it, but the vast majority of people remain unaware of its existence, much less of whatever it is. Before we begin, I want you to try to answer, “What is encoding? Right-click somewhere in your browser and select” View page source code. “Scroll through the window that appears and try to recognize or understand something.
As you might expect, you’ve been looking at the code behind the website or “Document Object Model” (DOM). It means that you are looking at the complete markup of the page, and if you have learned at least the basics of HTML, CSS, or JavaScript, you may have come across some familiar tags and elements.
In simpler terms, let’s define coding as the essential art of writing in a programming language, a series of commands that the computer can understand. This set of commands tells the computer how to behave, do certain things, and finally perform the actions you have indicated, all this if you have encoded correctly.
Table of Contents
Code as a “Translator”
What is coding? While we’ve defined coding as the art of writing a series of commands in a programming language that the computer can understand, let’s get down to business and take a look at the coding history.
Computers don’t recognize the human language, and for us to see approximate results (like put on view a web page), we have to write it in a method that the computer can understand.
Coding 101 – Think of the code you have written as a translator between English (Or any other language) and Binary. If you can do this, it will quickly become much easier for you to understand the basics of what it means to code.
So, think of it this way: Your machine only speaks Binary, but it can understand various programming languages. In the same way, that you only speak your native language, but you know the same programming languages (At least, if you know the basics of any)
The fact that in cooperation, you and your computer share a common understanding of programming languages means that they can lead into with each other, just like you did by clicking on this article!
Why Should You Learn Computer Programming?
Present that we’ve to go through the basics of “What is coding ? ” it’s time to look at the details of why you should learn to program from scratch. Computer programming can make a significant impact on both your personal and professional life. Some of the reasons why one should learn to program from scratch are:
It will dramatically increase your earnings – Expert coders and programmers can charge too high hourly rates, primarily if they work as freelance or contract developers. Many programmers do not work for less than $ 100 per hour, which will provide you with income even to fulfill all your wildest dreams. And the best of all? A shortage of programmers means that people will gladly pay ridiculous amounts of money, especially once you have some experience.
You can work on your own – While many programmers prefer traditional contracts in large companies, a large percentage choose to work independently. As a freelance programmer, you will have the opportunity to work where you want, want, and desire. There is so much work for programmers that you can only work on projects you appreciate.
You can effort on your projects – If you have an entrepreneurial streak, learning computer programming could be the trigger that leads you to develop the next viral app or website. Knowing to create things that you could only have dreamed of is something extraordinary. Trust me!
These are some of the details why you should learn to program from scratch and not just know what it means to code. Doing so will also make sure that you are under no circumstances out of work. You will have the ability to recognize the technology and the world around it as it develops so that you will be able to turn down uninteresting job offers.
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What Types of Programmers are There?
To fully understand what computer programming is, you should know that there are a wide variety of programmers. Each of them dedicates themselves to a different field, and each of them must learn a wide variety of programming languages and techniques to specialize in these aspects.
We have explained three of the most common types of programmers, but there are many, many more. Some of the other classes that remain not mentioned include System Engineers, game developers, and artificial intelligence programmers.
Front-End Developer
Front-end developers are people who remain dedicated to creating websites. They are responsible for the design, structure, and the way the content is displayed. It is complete in many ways, but the most widely used programming languages remain HTML, CSS, alandavaScript.
Some of the main tasks of a front-end developer are:
Take a design and turn it into a website by writing hundreds of code appearances (Trust me, it’s other fun than it sounds!).
Ensure that the website in question is functional and interactive as necessary. It includes doing things like put in animations, creating hyperlinked buttons, and more.
Minimize page load speed times and maximize responsiveness. Equipment like these play a significant role in your search engine optimization (SEO) score, and it’s essential to get it right.
As you can see, a front-end developer encompasses many roles. However, they are mainly straightforward and easy to learn. Unfortunately, front-end developers remain probably among the lowest-paid programmers, but don’t let this disappoint you!
Back-End Developers
Although a front-end developer is responsible for most of the web site’s design and interactive features, the back-end developer is responsible for creating the web applications that the website will run. Web applications are complex applications designed to do certain things and remain embedded in the website’s code.
Some of the things that web applications created by back-end developers allow you to do are:
Connect with friends and create a user profile. Social networks similar to Facebook and Twitter are great examples of this kind of thing.
Create interactive applications that can remain added to a website. Google Maps is an extreme case in point of this type of application.
Web developers require an outstanding knowledge of the most used programming languages such as Ruby (and the Ruby continuously Rails framework), Python, Full-Stack JavaScript, and PHP. Back-end makers are in high demand, which means they are highly paid compared to front-end developers, and best of all, there are many jobs available.
Mobile App Developer
Although you may think this is pretty self-explanatory, it’s still worth standard over. Mobile app developers create apps aimed at iOS and Android devices (Surprise, Surprise!). Recent statistics indicate that the number of global smartphone users reaches 2.5 billion, which is enormous.
It means that there is an excellent petition for mobile applications. Apps like Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram have taken over the world. Who says you can’t do the same?
But, before doing this, you will need to learn a programming language for mobile devices. If you want to program mobile apps for iOS, you will need to learn Objective-C or Swift. Both of these programming languages remain used in conjunction with the Xcode development tool.
Android development remains mainly achieved with Java, one of the most versatile programming languages in the world. To use Java in mobile application development, you will need to learn to use a tool called Android Studio. One of the newer program design languages, Kotlin, is beginning to take Java, taking a significant market share. However, Java will remain the most popular programming language.
If you want to pick up mobile development, you will master one of these languages. If some of them interest you, head over to BitDegree, and start learning!
Computer Programming vs. Encode
Now that we begin by answering the question, “What is coding?” It’s time to take a quick look at something else. Now the world of technology, there is a debate raging for years, perhaps decades. It is the debate between the concept of computer programming and coding. Either way, the discussion between computer programming and coding doesn’t make a lot of sense, as we’ll see later.
In technical standings, coders and programmers are different. The “Official” definitions dictate the following:
Encoder – An encoder is someone who takes what we want to say in one language, such as English, and translates it into another, such as Python. In this sense, the coding action merely is writing a set of commands that perform a specific action. In official terms, an encoder “spits out bits of code” introduced into a computer program to create a website, application, or anything else that requires bits of code.
Programmer – A programmer also creates code snippets, which are then combined to create a program. They oversee the development of an application or computer program and are responsible for adjusting the bits of code of which it is composed.
It doesn’t reflect reality, as the encoder is typically used today as slang for the programmer. Anyone who writes code snippets to create a program is a programmer, while anyone who understands what coding is and how to fully operate it, who takes code snippets and combines them into a program, is a coder.
The final message, a coder and a computer programmer, are the same things. Of course, the official definitions may differ, but they are two very similar words, which mean the same thing.
Most used programming languages
There are accurately hundreds of different programming languages, many of which remain created for specific uses. Most of these programming languages are learned by a few specialists because there is not much demand.
However, some programming languages always stand out when someone asks, “What is coding?” Everyone knows them, they remain used everywhere, and they are straightforward for beginners to learn. Some of the most used programming languages that you should consider learning if you are a newbie are:
“Hypertext Markup Language,” is probably the best-known programming language, and it is undoubtedly the language that quickly comes to mind when someone asks, “What is computer programming ?” HTML is used in front-end development and can be found on most websites throughout the global Internet, making it an essential programming language for any front-end developer.
When it comes to learning to code from scratch, HTML is a great language to start using. It is effortless, offers a reasonably necessary syntax, and is easy to understand. When I asked you to look at the source code for the page at the beginning of this article, what you saw was mostly HTML. It tells your web browser anywhere to put things, what they are, and how they should look, among others.
If you want to start your adventure as a front-end developer, then I recommend starting with it. BitDegree offers free HTML courses that you will find here
CSS is the second in front of front-end development, after HTML. It is also effortless to learn, for all those just starting, although not as easy as HTML. Many people choose to learn HTML and CSS simultaneously, as you need both to create amazing things.
Using CSS alongside HTML allows you to stylize your web page by adding things like fonts, colors, styles, and much more. While HTML tells your web browser how things should look on the screen, the CSS code controls it.
As we’ve highlighted above, most people choose to learn HTML and CSS at the same time. Both are relatively straightforward, and in cooperation, can remain used to style and manipulate a website. If you are interested in learning all approximately front-end development through these programming languages, take a look at the wide variety of courses BitDegree offers.
Python is, without a doubt, the most widely used programming language and the first one that crosses your mind when someone asks, “What is computer programming ?” An extremely versatile programming language with relatively simple syntax and many use cases, Python is undoubtedly an excellent language for beginners.
It is the most communal language taught in school and is also at the forefront of several emerging technologies and artificial intelligence and machine learning. It means that there will be much work for Python developers in the future, making it a great language to learn and master.
If you like the way Python sounds, there are many sources out there to help you start. BitDegree offers two Python courses. One will explain to you the necessities of computer programming through an engaging video lesson. Simultaneously, the second will provide you with a hands-on learning experience that will allow you to perform tasks while learning. You will find them here.
Along with Python, Java is one of the most used and versatile programming languages in the world. It is primarily used for back-end web development and mobile app building but is by no means limited to these.
Historically, the vast majority of native Android applications have stood built using Java. Granting this is slowly changing, there will be a great demand for developers going into the future to maintain and update existing applications, along with creating new ones.
One of the leading benefits of Java is its scalability. It has led it to be one of the most used programming languages on the world’s largest and most significant websites. It’s also relatively easy to use, learn, and syntax reads similar to English, making it perfect for beginners.
If you want to learn Java, the right place to start is with one of BitDegree’s online courses. The Interactive Java Course will teach you the basics of “What is computer programming ?” with a Java-specific approach. Designed for beginners, you will leave the course with enough knowledge to embark on the field of programming professionally.
The last programming language on our list, JavaScript (not to be confused with Java), has been one of the fastest-growing languages in recent years. The ever increasing demand for JavaScript developers has led to a severe shortage, making it a programming language loved by many new programmers.
JavaScript has traditionally stood used for front-end development, where it is necessary to create interactive screens. JavaScript controls things like video players, animations, and GIFs. However, in recent times, JavaScript has been increasingly implemented for back-end development, which means that you could theoretically develop much of your website with a single computer programming language.
Like the other languages mentioned above, JavaScript is an excellent choice if you start your programming adventure. It is relatively simple, and there are a wide variety of resources that you can use. The right place just before the start would be with the Interactive JavaScript Course.
How can I accelerate my learning?
Now that we have come back with the question “What is computer programming ? ” it is time to think about learning your first programming language. It is essential to recognize that learning a new language is not necessarily easy, even if you decide on one of the easier languages like HTML or Python. They will require time, commitment to learning the syntax, the conventions of the language, and of course, you will need a lot of practice.
Along with the Online Courses mentioned throughout this article, there are a wide variety of resources that will help you learn much faster, including:
Videos. Head to a place like YouTube to watch hundreds of videos that describe your chosen language’s essential features.
Textbooks. If you want to learn programming beginning scratch, you should consider having a couple of books that describe syntax and other tools.
Games; With the rise of computer programming, the number of applications and games designed to teach you to program has grown. While many of these remain geared toward children, they can turn out to be a great way to run through.
The most significant thing when it comes to gaining fluency in a language is practice. It doesn’t matter how you practice, as long as you put in some time.
Time to start learning
What is computer programming? Before you started reading this article, you probably didn’t know the answer. Maybe you had a vague idea about different programming languages and how they stood used to create websites or applications, but now you have much more than this!
If you are curious about computer user interface design. And are interested in deepening your knowledge, the next object you have to do is select a programming language. Try and find one that interests you and that allows you to work in the trade you want. The programming languages mentioned above are just a few of the many that exist today. So I recommend you do enough research before choosing the language you want to learn. Good luck, and have fun!