What is the License? And What does it Work?
Creative Commons copyright tools and licenses strike a balance within the traditional “all rights reserved” scenario that copyright laws create. Our tools give everyone from separate creators to large companies and institutions a simple, identical way to grant copyright permission to their creative works. The combination of our agencies and our employers is a vast and growing digital commons, a source of content that can be copied, distributed, edited, remixed. And used as the basis for creating, all within the limits of copyright laws.
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Design and Rationale for the License
All Creative Commons licenses have essential characteristics in common. Each franchise helps creators – we call them licensors if they use our tools – to maintain their copyrights while allowing others to copy, distribute, and make some uses of their work – at least in a non-commercial way. All Creative Commons licenses also ensure that licensors get the credit they deserve for their careers. Creative Commons licenses work everywhere globally and last as long as copyright law applies (because they remain based on it). These common characteristics serve as the basis from which licensors can choose to grant more permits when deciding how they need their work to remain used.
Creative Commons licensor
A Creative Commons licensor must answer a couple of simple questions along the way to choosing a license – first, do I need to allow commercial use or not, and second. Do I want to enable copied works? If a licensor decides to agree on derivative works, it can also require that anyone who uses the effort – we call them licensees – make that new work available under the same terms. We call this hint “ShareAlike,” and it is one of the instruments that (if chosen) allows the digital commons to grow over time. ShareAlike is motivated by the GNU General Public License license, used by many free and open-source software projects.
Our licenses do not affect the freedoms that the law grants to users of works protected by rights, such as exceptions and limitations to copyright or fair use. Creative Commons licenses require licensees to obtain permission to do anything because the law reserves exclusively to the licensor and that the request does not expressly allow. Licensees must give credit to the licensee, keep copyright notices intact on all copies of the work, and about the right from copies of the work. Licensees may not use technical measures to restrict access to the work for others.
Three ‘Layers’ of Licenses
Our community copyright licenses incorporate a unique and advanced “three-layer” design. Each license begins as a traditional legal instrument, in the kind of language and text format known and loved by most attorneys. We appeal this the Legal Code layer of individual license.
But because most creators, educators, and scientists are in fact not lawyers, we also make licenses available in a format that standard people can read: the license summary or “Commons Deed” (also known as the version “Human readable” of the license). It is a practical reference for licensors and licensees, summarizing and expressing some of the most important terms and conditions. Think of the “Commons Deed” as a friendly interface to the Legal Code below. Although the summary itself is not a license and its content is not part of the Legal Code as such.
The final layer of the license
From search engines to office automation to music publishing. Plays a huge role in the creation, copying, discovery and distribution of works. So, to make it easier for the Web to know where works are available under Creative Commons licenses. We provide a “machine-readable” version of the license. A summary of key freedoms and obligations written in a format such that computer systems, search engines. And others types of technology can understand. Besides, we developed a standardized way of describing the licenses. And also, the software can understand called the CC Rights Expression Language.
Searching for open content is an essential function allowed by our proposal. You can use Google to examine for Creative Commons content, search for images on Flickr , albums on Jamendo. And general media on spinxpress .
Together, these three sheets of licenses ensure that the range of rights is not just a legal concept. It is something that the creators of works can understand, their users can understand. And even the Web itself can understand.
This license lets others distribute, remix, adapt, and form upon your effort. So, It is the most helpful of the licenses offered and recommended for maximum distribution and use of licensed materials.