Google Play v/s App Store, What is the best app store?
Google Play v/s App Store
There are mobile applications for all tastes and needs, some very successful, and others that pass without pain or glory. There is no problem if you have an Android mobile or prefer the iPhone; whatever your choice is in Google Play or the App Store, you will find what you are viewing.
Apple and Google work hard to make their app store the best when downloading applications for your smartphone. If you doubt the winner, we compare the Play Store and Google Play in several aspects.
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Variety of applications
The app store Apple is relatively older than Google Play, but the latter grew very fast and under different names over the years. Today there are more apps in the Android Store than in the one dedicated to apple devices.
Why this difference? Google seeks that its store has as many applications as possible, while Apple wants every app available for its mobile phones to meet a series of quality requirements.
Google Play has additional applications, but that does not mean that diversity is more; both cover nearly the same needs, and there are apps for Android that have practically no transfer.
While the variety is comparable between the two app stores, the App Store is home to more premium apps dedicated to specific functions for users of different professions. For maximum people, this makes no difference, but it is something to keep in mind.
Amount of downloads
Google Play has more applications, and as there are more Android devices than Apple, more downloads remain made from there. In the last quarter of 2017, double as several applications stood taken from Google Play as the downloads from the App Store.
Even with this disparity between the number of downloads, iOS users are more willing to pay for different applications and functions. In the same period, the App Store generated about twice the revenue of Google Play.
In terms of cost and effort, the App Store is more convenient for iPhone app developers. Thus, the Apple user has access to better applications, so quality beats quantity.
Exclusive access
The Apple user spends more money and is usually more dedicated to applications; it is not surprising that essential developers usually launch their new apps first in the App Store or test new functions in their versions for iOS.
For creators, it is easier to introduce new functions and products among users of Apple devices.
However, Android offers an advantage that attracts many creators:
It is easier for ordinary people to install betas since it does not require weighty processes to add applications from the outside from Google Play, something very complicated for iOS since jailbreak is needed.
In conclusion, each store has its advantages and disadvantages. Suppose you are looking for quality applications and have the latest apps and updates before anyone else. In that case, the Apple App Store is for you; on the other hand, if you are interested in the free and more apps to choose from, Google Play for Android is the winner, all it depends on personal tastes and needs.