Best Practices To Follow To Secure Business File Sharing
Knowing how to share files securely is crucial for any business. You never know who could be on the other end, and you don’t want to put your company data at risk. Below are some best practices to follow to secure file sharing for businesses.
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Restrict the number of users
While there are no strict guidelines, it’s recommended that you restrict the number of users on a shared network to one or two at most. With more than two, it becomes difficult to monitor who is accessing what. This will also ensure that only those people you want to have access to the network will be able to do so.
Be sure your business file-sharing software is secure
Business file-sharing software comes with a few security features, but you should make sure yours has all the latest technology in place. You’ll find that some have encryption that keeps out intruders and hackers, firewalls, and virus checkers on both desktop and mobile devices for added protection.
Encrypt everything
Turn on file and folder encryption. Not only does this prevent unauthorized access and sharing, but it also makes your files look more professional, as well as more secure than they otherwise would be. Encryption secure file sharing for business by providing extra security online. If you want to keep things simple, you can encrypt files on your own and hold onto the key.
Backup files on an external hard drive or cloud-based storage system
This ensures that your company will still have access to their documents within minutes in the event of a data loss. Invest in a secure external hard drive or a cloud-based storage system with high-security standards.
Make sure employees use business file-sharing software for both documents and email
File-sharing technology has grown to become much more top of mind than emailing files back and forth, which is why your workers must know how to use multiple business networking tools. There are also many benefits to using this technology, including sharing large files, keeping file histories, and easy access on mobile devices.
Encrypt file shares to just one user
File sharing is made a lot more secure when encryption is performed by the server-side only so that only one user can access it. This helps ensure that no other unauthorized users are obtaining access to the data as well.
Don’t allow users to access the Internet from the shared network
With so many risks associated with allowing employees to access the Internet, it’s best not to allow them the ability in a public network like this. Instead, have a separate system that they can use for Internet access.
Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)
This protects data from being exposed on the network and while it’s in transit. VPNs also make it so you can have remote users gain access to your network and systems securely. This is critical since many businesses are now offering telecommuting options as well.
There are many things to consider when it comes to securing business file sharing. You need to educate your employees on the risks and make sure they’re aware of the guidelines you have in place. Also, look for security features beyond encryption and ways to keep your data secure from the inside out.