How To Boost Your E-Commerce Business Sales With Tech
Improving your e-commerce business in such a fast-moving world can seem not only difficult but more like trying to find your footing on a landslide. It can feel helpless, and you are highly likely to get swept away. However, all is not lost, as with the right help, you can help navigate the situation and really begin to use technology to your advantage. With that in mind, here is how you can boost the sales of your e-Commerce business by using the right technology.
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Find the right people to help your business
Finding the right people to help your e-commerce business progress is never an easy thing to do. It takes time, more patience than you might normally have, and an awful lot of research on your part. This will be true, whether you are thinking about going down the headhunting route or hoping that the right person will apply for your available position. Either way, you will find that it requires a lot more input on your side than maybe just posting on a few job sites. You will need to go through job applications and evaluate the candidates’ suitability for the role.
You might also need to think about the benefits of outsourcing and how these compare to having individuals work for your e-commerce business. For Information technology maintenance work, website work, and even receptionist work, you might think about outsourcing. However, for areas such as marketing and data handling, you will need someone unique to join your business. Here is an excellent example of someone who will be able to help your business grow and expand, who you can hire to add value to your business.
What is an Applied Statistics graduate?
To put it simply, if you want your business to go anywhere in a world that generates a tsunami of data, you are going to need an applied statistics graduate on your side to help your business. Having a business without a data interpreter can be like having several people who speak different languages in the same room without a translator.
To look at it more in-depth, applied statistics graduates will be able to read the data you collect and have collected in the past to make estimations about pretty much anything and everything within your business. This can be financed, where the latest trends are, or even pinpoint your exact audience to market effectively. This can be invaluable information and can help form the shape of advertising campaigns, the design of the product or service, and even the preparation for unavoidable problems looming on the horizon.
What if you were to get a degree like this?
Of course, you don’t have to employ someone with this skill set. You might want to, at some point, pursue this sort of knowledge yourself. It is your business after all, and you might want to be able to know what the data says directly without needing to completely rely on someone else. You might also want to be able to carry this knowledge around with you instead of waiting for a bi-weekly report that might not tell you exactly what you want to know. Here are some of the benefits of taking a course in applied statistics for you and your business.
1. The course is available online
Firstly, the course is available online. This is one huge benefit already. This means that you can still keep your job, the business doesn’t need to go on a break, and you don’t have to worry about losing out on potential sales. As you learn, you will be able to use more software and interpret data far more efficiently and accurately. You will also find that many top-tier universities offer this course, so an Applied Statistics degree from Michigan Tech can be a great opportunity to learn and improve your business in one hit.
2. You get more knowledge about certain areas of your business
Taking an applied statistics degree gives you invaluable knowledge about certain areas of your business. As you already know, it can help you to interpret data, but it can also help you to think critically about that data so that you can decide why it is showing the results it is. It can help you identify problems within your business that can help you improve it and keep it ticking over, as well as hit all of the goals and milestones that you might have over-optimistically set yourself for the coming years.
3. You look more professional
There is little doubt about it – if you have a degree under your belt, you look more professional. Not only to customers and your businesses investors and shareholders but also to your employees as well. A degree gives you credibility. People who have ambition will want to go somewhere where there is potential growth for them in the industry, as well as being with a business that is going somewhere. It can be one of the crucial ways to attract talent into your business and can help you find excellent interns who will happily work for you and learn their craft. They can then accept a position within your company if you think they are good enough to be offered a permanent job.
4. You are more driven
Much like above, having a degree in applied statistics shows the people around you that you are driven and want to impact the industry. This can be incredibly attractive to potential shareholders and clients who wish to support you and easily help you build alliances with other businesses that want to grow and flourish like yours. This is incredibly good news for your business and can help you move much faster than you could on your own.
5. It can help you earn more money
Having the skills that you will acquire after completing an applied statistics degree, you will be able to see how your business fits into the bigger picture of international trade, giving you the opportunity to make more money.
This is something that can be very profitable and can make you an even more valuable asset within your own business. You will have the knowledge and ideas to grow the business and will be able to help and manage others within your business to keep them working hard for you.
As you can see, there are a very large number of benefits of having someone with a degree in applied statistics within your business, especially if this highly sought-after person with highly desirable skills happens to be you. Not only will it help you improve the bottom line for your business. It will also potentially bring more talent, bring more interest, more drive and ambition into your business, as well more effective data-driven ideas that will keep your business moving forward and improving every time it releases a new product.
What other tech can Applied Statistics help with?
Even if you do not wish to learn these skills yourself and instead opt to employ somebody who is already qualified, there still are many benefits. For instance, using some of the software technology available to businesses is not always something that everybody can get their heads around. Thankfully, a graduate of applied statistics can help you there. This can be through identifying trends, looking into, and thinking analytically about what needs to be done within the business to make it more efficient or effective. Here are some of the things that a graduate in applied statistics will help you with in terms of technology to grow and improve your company.
1. Your website
Websites are a modern business’s most important asset, and this should go without saying if you own e-Commerce business. They are your company’s very own shop window and need to be straightforward to use to convert site visits into sales. However, websites are very easy to get wrong. Having a graduate in applied statistics can help your businesses website with a lot of things, for example:
- Noting the organic traffic that arrives at your website. This can be people who search for your business directly from Google. Through doing this, they will be able to determine the audience demographic and how you can tailor your website to suit them. For example, if your website traffic is mainly women of a certain age group, you know what tone you should be using and what products you should be marketing first to appeal to your customers.
- Having an applied statistics graduate on board can also help you with learning which service model works best for your customers and which one enables you to bring in the largest amount of money. It can also help you pick out which key aspect of each service model helps your business to move forward and can be a fundamental step in progressing in the right direction.
This can be a great thing to have help with, especially if you know that this is your weakness.
2. Chatbots
Although many businesses are apprehensive about using AI, or more directly, chatbots, they can prove to be extremely useful, especially if you own e-Commerce business. Seeing as many e-Commerce businesses lack the face of a human to interact with to help customers select what they need, they will need an able substitute.
In addition, websites are 24 hour publicly accessible places, as they are online. You aren’t going to have someone staring at a screen on the other side of the world for all of the hours that your office is closed to answer questions in multiple different languages for people who expect an immediate response. Chatbots can help with this.
This is where your graduate comes in. They can look into the most frequently asked questions, look into the answers that customers were most satisfied with and help you work hard on getting your chatbots to be as useful as possible. In addition to this, chatbots can help your applied statistics graduate by collecting data through using surveys and giving back to the company, which can prove to be invaluably helpful to your business’s growth, especially seeing as it is based solely online.
3. Social media
Social media is vitally important to any e-Commerce business. It can be a relatively cheap way to advertise, and how much money you choose to put into it is entirely up to you. You can even invest in social media influencer marketing to help your business become more visible to your target audiences, who will enjoy your content and products. This can be really important to your business’s attempts to get publicity and one of the main attractions of customers to your website.
However, a graduate in applied statistics can make your social media more interesting and make the most of the various algorithms to make your content more appealing to your followers. They can do this by looking at the data your business has collected so far and coming up with the best ways to get more people to look at your business. If people enjoyed you publishing more ‘wholesome’ content, for example, posting videos of you selflessly rewarding your employees who have worked hard under a wholesome tag, you would need to do more of that if your business is going to be seen by more people. Then you can slowly start to move away from this type of content when your posts get more likes, comments, and saves, and your account gradually gets more followers.
To wrap things up
Boosting the sales of your e-Commerce business with technology can be a daunting task, but with the right helpers, you can make it possible. By getting a graduate in applied statistics on your team, you can help your business grow and expand based on data-driven decisions. Naturally, you might feel a little bit apprehensive, but there are so many benefits you might think that any potential downsides are nothing to worry about. By getting the right people (or even becoming the right person yourself), working on your business’s assets, and embracing new ideas, you can help your business thrive in what many are seeing as a slightly uncertain future.