Technologies Applied to the Well-being of People
Technologies Applied to the Well-being
According to the WHO (World Health Organization) in its Noncommunicable Diseases Colombia Profile 2018 report, it shows that non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are responsible for 75% of deaths per year in Colombia. In this group of diseases are cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, among others. These are mainly due to risk factors such as tobacco consumption, physical inactivity, the harmful use of alcohol, and poor nutrition. Problems that can remain reduced with the access to services of thousands of well-being professionals that exist in Colombia (in areas of physical activity, nutrition, psychology, among others), access that not all Colombians have for different reasons.
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Well Being System
In the above context, we must know that Colombia has multiple solutions that are part of the health care and well-being system of people. Public solutions such as outdoor gyms stood implemented in parks in Bogotá, and private solutions such as yoga studios, gyms, clinics, etc. Also, solutions without infrastructure, such as government policies for the reduction of tobacco or alcohol consumption. Furthermore, technological solutions such as software and mobile applications led by entrepreneurs facilitate access to wellness services without traveling at different prices (even free) and others that monitor our wellness and health activities by receiving information from smartphones and smartwatches or wearables.
The above solutions (technological and not) contribute Colombia to the third of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). It seeks to promote universal well-being and guarantee a healthy life for people and thus help develop prosperous societies. Reducing barriers to accessing physical and emotional services.
Technology for Well Being
With this environment described and some of the solutions available for people’s well-being, we see that technology. In many cases, proves to be one of the fundamental pillars that ease access to professional service.
Helping digital platforms that use the software, telecommunications, and that work through connectivity between mobile phones to connect the knowledge of thousands of wellness professionals in Colombia with the millions of people’s needs around wellness to provide a solution.
This technology and telecommunications mission has been highlighted in the world and Colombia specifically during this year 2020, due to the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). As I wrote before, technology has proven to be one of the main pillars. He showed that a country with a technology and telecommunications infrastructure deployed could respond better to a crisis of this type than if it did not. In Colombia, the penetration of the Internet service is only 32.5% at the end of 2016 according to MinTIC. And Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) that allows Colombians access to public television is 92,
Social Network
In addition, in central cities, it helped not only with access to information. And wellness activities through the Internet and public television, but it has allowed that amid total isolation. There are still commercial exchanges that cushion the economic impact to some extent. That although it is high, it helps that it is not a wholly stopped economy. For example, according to the Colombian Chamber of Electronic Commerce (CCCE). It is evident how some categories grow in sales through digital channels. Such as the sports category (+ 86%) during compulsory confinement.
Leaving a positive social impact on two faces during the coronavirus pandemic. That of the professional in the wellness area (which according to the report of graduates between 2001. Also 2017 of the Ministry of Education of Colombia are around 200,000 professionals only taking into account physiotherapists, nutritionists, physical trainers. And psychologists, knowing that there are more areas for people’s well-being) and that due to the closures of gyms. And wellness centers they were unable to deliver their services.But using digital platforms and social networks. They continued to generate value by the welfare of people. Thanks to the virtualization of its services through video calls, phone calls, chats, and television. And the second face: that of people who, in the middle of their isolation.