How a Web Page Works and its Types
A web page uses a client-server architecture, where the servers are the service providers; the clients are the demanders.
Table of Contents
What is a Server?
A server is an application that runs in real-time and serves to serve client requests. The servers remain made up of one or more computers, regular or dedicated.
The services provided by a server are different. For example, it can be a print server, file server, web page server, mail server, and database serves.
The Client Web Page
Customers are the people who access the website from anywhere; an internet connection is available. People find the page by typing the URL directly in the web browser or typing keywords in poles apart search engines such as Google, Microsoft’s Bing, and Yahoo.
Static Web Page
They are those pages that show permanent information using HTML code; they do not have the necessary functionalities to edit the content through an administrator account and a text editor.
The Basic Parts of a Static Page
- Top of page. It is located at the top and remains repeated on all internal pages. The information to be presented is Logo, slogan, and menu. It can also include other elements such as links to social networks, addresses, and telephone numbers.
- Like the page header, it repeats on all internal pages. The information presented is a Company or person who has developed the page, year of publication, menu in plain text, and contact address, including telephone number or email.
- About us page. The About Us page describes both the institution or Company and the purpose of the page. In the case of a static page, the objective is to provide information to the customers who visit it. This page must also include the mission and vision of the Company or institution, this can be done through a submenu using new pages, or it can remain built-in as text on a single page.
- Contact page. This page must present the contact information for example: address, telephone, email, business hours, links to social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google +, LinkedIn, Moodle, Ustream, among others). The contact pages must also include a contact form; this form allows users to write their name, email, phone number, among other information, to send a question. The person who owns the website will receive an email with the customer’s details and their problem.
- Page design. According to the Company or institution, the page will show other carriers of information. These pages must have the same plan, which will be made by a graphic designer or by an experienced programmer.
The Elements to Designed on a Page
- The size, font, and text color for each section of the page must remain taken into account: Title, content, text links, slogan, company name, institution or page, lists, underlined phrases, among others.
- That is an essential part of the page. How the menus and submenus will remain presented must be designed, if they will be drop-down, and what effects they will use, such as how they should respond to the users’ different actions.
- Top of page.
- Footer.
- Body or content.
- Boards.
- Text fields in a web form.
- Buttons, links.
- The images can all remain presented in a standard format, such as a white border and rounded corners.
Dynamic Web Page
They are web applications that work with programming languages such as PHP, Java JSP, ASPX.NET, Python, Rubí (among others). These programming languages process the information they receive from the users and return the result in HTML. In this way, the end-user cannot see what operations are performed on the server-side because the only thing they will observe is the graphic result presented by web browsers.
The dynamic pages use different types of databases, such as MySql, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle (among others). The databases remain used to save the information that the user uses. This information can be profile data, purchases made, available balance, photos that have stood uploaded, comments, publications, and more.
Types of Dynamic Web Pages
Some applications that can remain mentioned within dynamic web pages are the following.
- Social networks, to publish photos, videos, comments (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube).
- The elements of a static page remain included in a dynamic web page. The difference is that the active page adds functionalities to manage and also edit the end-users information.
Elements of a Dynamic Page
Some elements of an information web page are listed below. These pages aim to inform the user of the different activities that are carried out through news.
- Each news item that is published must be under a variety. For example, a presentation on the environment cannot fall under the same category as a news story to publicize students who have graduated.
- The dynamic pages must have the same pages of a static web, such as the contact page, mission, vision, work team, and more.
- Keywords (tags). Each published news must contain a series of keywords; internet search engines use the keywords to index the information and also establish which keywords the published article has. One way to benefit from these tags is to create a tag cloud, which will function as a category. While the user selects a title or keyword, the system must show all the publications marked with the selected tag.
- It is a section that allows the user to access the history of publications by date, that is, by year, by month, or by day. This section has different presentation forms because it can be a simple list by year that lists the months together with a number that shows the number of publications created in that month. You can also create a calendar according to the month. The days will remain indicated and apparent with bold text.
- Image gallery. They serve to present a graphic summary of the latest news. For example, a company or institution that has made presentations in different countries should use an image gallery to summarize a text link (hyperlink) to the publication that describes the activity.
- Outstanding image. Each publication made must have the option to add a featured painting. This featured image is used in the news section to show a summary, featured image, and hyperlink to the news page. On this news page, the featured image should remain displayed at the top.
- Recommended links. It is a list of hyperlinks present to the user who visits the web to know other web pages. The suggested relations remain published by the owners of the dynamic page, using the aim that the users who visit the page click on these links.
- Search form. Pages that regularly publish news generate a lot of content. For this reason, the dynamic page must have a search form, which lists the publications that match the keywords written. Now this way, access to data will be in a more straightforward way.
How to Make a Design?
To design a website, you need to know what the website owners have in mind. It is enough to obtain web addresses of other internet pages that they have observed and also liked. In this way, the graphic designer or programmer will have a clearer idea about placing the different elements and also what effects should remain.